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Spring Career Fairs

Quick Tips For Making The Most Of The Spring Career Fairs

Spring is in the air - or it was in the air until today if you are on the east coast - and it is time for career fairs to sprout up everywhere. Whether your interest is a college career fair, diversity career fair or an industry specialty career fair, there is much to choose from. New college grads, new alumni and not-so-new alumni are out looking to see what is available for them in this early career fair season. A lot - if job seekers play their cards right.

The career fair is an awesome place to explore career options and make new potential career connections. Despite the target rich concentration of opportunities, many job seekers fail to connect with recruiters in a meaningful way. Is it possible they might be overwhelmed and feel lost in a sea of suits?

To make your trip to the career fair work - you must have a strategy. You must develop a game plan for spanning the terrain, sizing up your target and moving in to make that new career connection. Unfortunately, we can always tell the candidates who are unprepared and knew little more than the fact that they were going to a career fair. They are usually the folks head down in programs or room layout and wandering aimlessly up and down the aisles, stopping to talk only to those who are free, just because they are free and not because the company was a target employer of theirs.

Some quick career fair do's:

1. Do identify a target number of companies that you want to connect with for a few minutes each Have an actual list. Search the map before you enter the employer space and get your bearings.

2. Do have your 30 second spot or introduction that go along with your error free resume.

3. Do prepare questions you specifically want to ask, based on prior research. Begin your sentences with a fact you know about the organization you are trying to engage eg. I saw that you are opening a new division in xyz, are there any opportunities in the abc division?

4. Do have a 30 second spot or statement to ask for the follow-up if you are really interested. Most people miss this piece! Eg. I would really like to talk more in depth with you about xyz, how may I follow-up with you? If you collect a business card, you have 48 hours to follow-up.

Some quick career fair don'ts:

1. Do not job search in packs. Ditch your friend, your ride, your helicopter parent or whoever is accompanying you and arrange a time to meet.

2. Do not pick up "career fair goodies" without first having a conversation with the recruiters. Do not do the side swipe for that really cool pen while the recruiter is speaking with someone else.

3. Do not stand in lines more than 2 people deep at a career fair. Time is important, especially if you are on your lunch hour like a lot of other job seekers there. Make the rounds and comeback if the company is really on your list.

4. Do not ask the same questions the person before you did if you heard all the answers. Build on what you heard and advance the conversation with the recruiter.

5. Do not hover, look lost or confused while at a career fair. Work the room with purpose. If you begin to feel lost or overwhelmed, exit the room and gather yourself.

No question that career fairs can be overwhelming. Preparation is truly the key to career fair success. Make the best of the season.


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